
Chapter 4 237
Instrument Functions: P - Z
SPAN / X Scale
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.6 SPAN / X Scale
Activates the Span function and displays the menu of span functions.
4.6.1 Span
Changes the displayed frequency range symmetrically about the center frequency. Setting
Key Path:
SPAN X Scale
Couplings: Span is coupled to center frequency. The maximum span may be limited by
the center frequency setting.
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset:
Fundamental Units: Hz
Terminators: GHz, MHz, kHz, Hz
Default Terminator: Hz
Model Span
E4440A 26.49 GHz
E4443A 6.69 GHz
E4445A 13.19 GHz
E4446A 43.99 GHz
E4448A 49.99 GHz
Model 0 Hz, Span Range
E4440A 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
E4443A 10 Hz to 6.7 GHz
E4445A 10 Hz to 13.2 GHz
E4446A 10 Hz to 44.0 GHz
E4448A 10 Hz to 50.0 GHz