476 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Spectrum Emissions MaskāSEM)
One-Button Measurement Functions
specified in the 3GPP W-CDMA standards. This parameter is only available when 3GPP
is selected as the Radio Std from the Mode Setup menu. If 3GPP W-CDMA is selected, the
roll-off value (alpha) for the filter will be initially set to 0.22 and T will be 260 ns. The
roll-off value can be changed using
Filter Alpha.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SEMask:FILTer[:RRC][:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Example: SEM:FILT 1
5.22.7 Filter Alpha
Press RRC Filter to input the alpha value for the RRC Filter. This parameter is only
available when 3GPP W-CDMA is selected as the Radio Std. from the Mode Setup menu.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: 0.22 when W-CDMA is selected, otherwise Off.
Knob Increment: 0.01
Step Key
Increment: 0.1
Range: 0.01 to 1.0
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SEMask:FILTer[:RRC]:ALPHA <number>