222 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Couplings: Depends on the preset type (user, mode or factory) setting in the System,
Power On/Preset keys.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: Clears all pending OPC bits. The status byte is set to 0.
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The SYSTem:PRESet command immediately presets the
instrument state to values dependent on the preset type that is currently
selected (FACTory, USER, MODE).
SYSTem:PRESet will not reset “persistent” functions such as IP address,
Use SYSTem:PRESet:PERSistent. See“RestoreSysDefaults”onpage231.
SYSTem:PRESet:TYPE sets the type of preset. See “Preset Type” on
page 211.
Example: :SYST:PRES:TYPE MODEsetsthepresetmodetypetomode.See “Preset
Type” on page 211.
:SYST:PRES presets the instrument to the currently selected preset type.
4.2.1 User Preset
ThiskeyisonlyavailablewhenthepresettypeissettoUser.PressSystem, Power On/Preset,
Preset Type, User.
Restores the analyzer to a user defined state that has been saved for all analyzer modes.
You defined this state when
Save User Preset was pressed. If the you have never saved a user
preset state, then the factory preset state is stored as the user preset state. If the user
preset state has been saved but the load fails for any reason, the error message: Unable to
load user state is displayed in the status line and the state is reset to whatever it was
before the
Preset key was pressed. This can sometimes happen if firmware has been
upgraded or applications have been (un)installed after the user preset state was saved.
Save User Preset can be accessed by pressing System, Power On/Preset.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
:SYSTem:PRESet See“:SYSTem:PRESet”onpage186.
Example: SYST:PRES:SAVE saves a user state that will be used for the preset
SYST:PRES:TYPE USER selects the user type preset
SYST:PRES immediately presets the analyzer to the user preset.