276 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Remote Command:
4.8.12 Licensing
Accesses the security system to enable licensing for individual options. You can install a
measurement mode personality options in an instrument at any time. After you load the
personality mode into memory, you must enter a license key to allow access to the option.
For information on how to use this system, see the installation information for individual
options in the measurement personalities’ user’s guides.
NOTE Not all options can be enabled using this system and there is no way to turn
off an option through this system. Once an option has been licensed for a
given analyzer, it cannot be transferred to a different analyzer.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
There is no remote command for this key. Option
Activates the alpha editor enabling you to enter the designation for the option to be
installed. An option is a three character string that specifies the option or application that
is to be installed, as found in the catalog. To terminate the entry, press
Enter or Return.An
external keyboard may also be used for this entry. The option number will appear on the
second line of the
Option key.
Key Path:
System, Licensing
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Remote Command:
“License Key” on page 277
Example: SYST:LKEY “B78”, “B62A35B37679”