298 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Measure Commands:
This is a fast single-command way to make a measurement using the factory default
instrument settings. These are the settings and units that conform to the Mode Setup
settings (e.g. radio standard) that you have currently selected.
• Stops the current measurement (if any) and sets up the instrument for the specified
measurement using the factory defaults
• Initiates the data acquisition for the measurement
• Blocks other SCPI communication, waiting until the measurement is complete before
returning results.
• After the data is valid it returns the scalar results, or the trace data, for the specified
measurement. The type of data returned may be defined by an [n] value that is sent with the
The scalar measurement results will be returned if the optional [n] value is not included, or is
set to 1. If the [n] value is set to a value other than 1, the selected trace data results will be
returned. See each command for details of what types of scalar results or trace data results
are available.
ASCII is the default format for the data output. (Older versions of Spectrum Analysis and
Phase Noise mode measurements only use ASCII.) The binary data formats should be used
for handling large blocks of data since they are smaller and faster than the ASCII format.
Refer to the FORMat:DATA command for more information.
If you need to change some of the measurement parameters from the factory default
settings you can set up the measurement with the CONFigure command. Use the
commands in the SENSe:<measurement> and CALCulate:<measurement> subsystems
to change the settings. Then you can use the READ? command to initiate the
measurement and query the results. See
Figure 1.
If you need to repeatedly make a given measurement with settings other than the
factory defaults, you can use the commands in the SENSe:<measurement> and
CALCulate:<measurement> subsystems to set up the measurement. Then use the
READ? command to initiate the measurement and query results.
Measurement settings persist if you initiate a different measurement and then return to
a previous one. Use READ:<measurement>? if you want to use those persistent settings.
If you want to go back to the default settings, use MEASure:<measurement>?.
Configure Commands:
This command stops the current measurement (if any) and sets up the instrument for the
specified measurement using the factory default instrument settings. It sets the instrument to
single measurement mode but should not initiate the taking of measurement data unless
INIT:CONTinuous is ON. After you change any measurement settings, the READ command can
be used to initiate a measurement without changing the settings back to their defaults.
The CONFigure? query returns the current measurement name.