254 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Couplings: None
State Saved: Survives
Preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument State.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Default: Not affected by “
Restore Sys Defaults.”
Terminators: Unitless
Default Terminator: None
Range: Hour (HH): 00 to 23.
Minute (MM): 00 to 59.
Second (SS): 00 to 59.
Remote Command:
:SYSTem:TIME <hour>,<minute>,<second>
Example: SYST:TIME 12,42,00 Sets the clock to 12:42:00 PM. Adjust Time Setting (Remote Command Only)
Adjust the instruments internal time by the value entered.
Key Path:
System, Time/Date
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Terminators: No units are allowed with the command.
DefaultTerminator seconds
Remote Command:
:SYSTem:TIME:ADJust <seconds>
Example: SYST:TIME:ADJ 3600 will advance the time one hour.
SYST:TIME:ADJ -86400 will back the date up one day, without changing
the time of day (minutes or seconds). Set Date
Allowsyoutosetthedateofthereal-timeclock.EnterthedateintheYYYYMMDD format.
Key Path:
System, Time/Date
State Saved: Survives Preset and power cycle, but not saved in Instrument State nor