Chapter 5 433
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier Power—MCP)
One-Button Measurement Functions Ref Carrier Freq
Ref Carrier Freq (Man) to select the reference carrier frequency for this measurement.
The center frequency is then calculated using the algorithm below:
1. Cntr Freq 1 = Ref Freq − [0.5 (Carrier Width of Ref Carrier)]
2. Cntr Freq 2 = Cntr Freq 1− (Total of all Carrier Widths excluding the Ref Carrier
3. Cntr Freq = Cntr Freq 2 + [(Total of all Carrier Widths)/2]
Ref Carrier Freq (Auto) distributes the carriers evenly around the current center
frequency. The reference carrier frequency is then calculated using the algorithm below:
1. Ref Freq 1 = Cntr Freq − [(Total of all Carrier Widths)/2]
2. RefFreq2=RefFreq1+ (Total of all Carrier Widths excluding the Ref Carrier Width)
3. Ref Freq = Ref Freq 2 + [0.5 (Carrier Width of Ref Carrier)]
The above procedure ensures carrier visibility on the analyzer display.
Key Path:
Meas Setup, Carrier Setup
Couplings: The reference carrier can be re-assigned by implementing changes to
carrier power present values.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Auto/Calculated based on current center frequency. Refer to the
“algorithm” above when defining the Ref Carrier Freq(Auto) key.
Terminators: Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz
Default Terminator GHz
Resolution: 1 Hz
Knob Increment: Span ÷ 50
Step Key
Increment: If
CF Step(Auto) is selected: span/10.
If CF Step(Man) is selected: CF Step
Range: Analyzer minimum to analyzer maximum
History Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:RCFRequency:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1