Chapter 5 483
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SEM)
One-Button Measurement Functions
5.26 Marker (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SEM)
Displays the Marker control menu for the SEM measurement. If no markers are active,
Marker selectsmarker1,setsittoNormal and places it to the right of the display. There are
two control modes for the markers:
• Normal (POSition)-A single marker that can be moved to any point on the trace.
• Off (Off)-Turnsofftheactivemarkerormarkerpair.
Key Path: Front-panel key
State Saved: The control mode for each marker, as well as the position of each marker, is
saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: All Off.
Remote Command:
There is no equivalent remote command.
5.26.1 Select Marker
Selects one of the four possible markers. Once a marker is selected, it can be set to any of
the control modes
Normal or Off.
Key Path:
State Saved: The number of the selected marker is saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Marker 1
History: Remote command updated with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:SEMask:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Remote Command Notes: Sets or queries the state of a marker. Setting a marker to state
ON or 1 selects that marker. Setting a marker which is OFF to state ON or
Normal mode and places it on the screen to the right of the
displayed measurement graph. Setting a marker to state OFF or 0 selects
that marker and turns it off. The response to the query will be 0 if OFF, 1 if
Example: CALC:SEM:MARK2:STAT ON selects marker 2.
CALC:SEM:MARK:STAT ON will not modify a marker that is already on.