
Step 1
In the Navigation pane, click the Admin tab.
Step 2
On the Admin tab, expand All > Communication Management > Communication Services.
Step 3
Select the Communication Services tab.
Step 4
In the HTTPS area, click the enabled radio button.
The HTTPS area expands to display the available configuration options.
Step 5
Complete the following fields:
This can be one of the following:
If Admin State is enabled, Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays the rest
of the fields in this section.
Admin State field
The port to use for HTTPS connections.
Specify an integer between 1 and 65535. This service is enabled on port
443 by default.
Port field
The key ring for HTTPS connections.Key Ring drop-down list
The level of Cipher Suite security used by the Cisco UCS domain. This
can be one of the following:
High Strength
Medium Strength
Low Strength
Custom—Allows you to specify a user-defined Cipher Suite
specification string.
Cipher Suite Mode field
If you select Custom in the Cipher Suite Mode field, specify the
user-defined Cipher Suite specification string in this field.
The Cipher Suite specification string can contain up to 256 characters
and must conform to the OpenSSL Cipher Suite specifications. You
cannot use any spaces or special characters except ! (exclamation point),
+ (plus sign), - (hyphen), and : (colon). For details, see http://
For example, the medium strength specification string Cisco UCS
Manager uses as the default is:
Cipher Suite field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
120 OL-25712-04
Configuring HTTPS