On the left, the status bar displays the following information about your current session in Cisco UCS Manager
• A lock icon that indicates the protocol you used to log in. If the icon is locked, you connected with
HTTPS and if the icon is unlocked, you connected with HTTP.
• The username you used to log in.
• The IP address of the server where you logged in.
On the right, the status bar displays the system time.
Table Customization
Cisco UCS Manager GUI enables you to customize the tables on each tab. You can change the type of content
that you view and filter the content.
Table Customization Menu Button
This menu button in the upper right of every table enables you to control and customize your view of the
table. The drop-down menu for this button includes the following options:
DescriptionMenu Item
The menu contains an entry for each column in the table.
Click a column name to display or hide the column.
Column Name
If selected, adds a horizontal scroll bar to the table. If not selected,
when you widen one of the columns, all columns to the right narrow
and do not scroll.
Horizontal Scroll
Resizes all columns to their default width.Pack All Columns
Resizes only the selected column to its default width.Pack Selected Column
Table Content Filtering
The Filter button above each table enables you to filter the content in the table according to the criteria that
you set in the Filter dialog box. The dialog box includes the following filtering options:
No filtering criteria is used on the content of the column. This is the
default setting.
Disable option
Displays only that content in the column which exactly matches the
value specified.
Equal option
Displays only that content in the column which does not exactly match
the value specified.
Not Equal option
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 51
Overview of Cisco UCS Manager GUI