Server Profile Administrator
Read-and-write access to logical server related operations. Read access to the rest of the system.
Server Security Administrator
Read-and-write access to server security related operations. Read access to the rest of the system.
Storage Administrator
Read-and-write access to storage operations. Read access to the rest of the system.
Reserved Words: User Roles
The following words cannot be used when creating custom roles in Cisco UCS Manager.
• network-admin
• network-operator
• vdc-admin
• vdc-operator
• server-admin
Privileges give users assigned to user roles access to specific system resources and permission to perform
specific tasks. The following table lists each privilege and the user role given that privilege by default.
Table 8: User Privileges
Default Role AssignmentDescriptionPrivilege
AAA AdministratorSystem security and AAAaaa
AdministratorSystem administrationadmin
Network AdministratorExternal LAN configurationext-lan-config
Network AdministratorExternal LAN policyext-lan-policy
Network AdministratorExternal LAN QoSext-lan-qos
Network AdministratorExternal LAN securityext-lan-security
Storage AdministratorExternal SAN configurationext-san-config
Storage AdministratorExternal SAN policyext-san-policy
Storage AdministratorExternal SAN QoSext-san-qos
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
164 OL-25712-04
User Roles