BIOS Settings Scrub
One of the following occurs to the BIOS settings when a service profile containing the scrub policy is
disassociated from a server:
• If enabled, erases all BIOS settings for the server and and resets them to the BIOS defaults for
that server type and vendor
• If disabled, preserves the existing BIOS settings on the server
Serial over LAN Policy
This policy sets the configuration for the serial over LAN connection for all servers associated with service
profiles that use the policy. By default, the serial over LAN connection is disabled.
If you implement a serial over LAN policy, we recommend that you also create an IPMI profile.
You must include this policy in a service profile and that service profile must be associated with a server for
it to take effect.
Statistics Collection Policy
A statistics collection policy defines how frequently statistics are to be collected (collection interval) and how
frequently the statistics are to be reported (reporting interval). Reporting intervals are longer than collection
intervals so that multiple statistical data points can be collected during the reporting interval, which provides
Cisco UCS Manager with sufficient data to calculate and report minimum, maximum, and average values.
For NIC statistics, Cisco UCS Manager displays the average, minimum, and maximum of the change since
the last collection of statistics. If the values are 0, there has been no change since the last collection.
Statistics can be collected and reported for the following five functional areas of the Cisco UCS system:
• Adapter—statistics related to the adapters
• Chassis—statistics related to the blade chassis
• Host—this policy is a placeholder for future support
• Port—statistics related to the ports, including server ports, uplink Ethernet ports, and uplink Fibre
Channel ports
• Server—statistics related to servers
Cisco UCS Manager has one default statistics collection policy for each of the five functional areas. You
cannot create additional statistics collection policies and you cannot delete the existing default policies.
You can only modify the default policies.
Statistics Threshold Policy
A statistics threshold policy monitors statistics about certain aspects of the system and generates an event if
the threshold is crossed. You can set both minimum and maximum thresholds. For example, you can configure
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
30 OL-25712-04
Server Architecture and Connectivity