
hard reset 589, 603
blade servers 589
rack-mount servers 603
hardware based service profiles 517
hardware-based service profiles 14, 488
hardware, stateless 38
headers, images 185
high availability 10, 46, 66, 69, 71, 202
about 46
fabric interconnect failover 66
initial setup 69, 71
verifying status 202
high availability configuration 46
about 46
history, passwords 178
host firmware package 21, 197, 222
about 21, 197, 222
host firmware packages 226, 227, 229
adding to service profile 229
creating 226
updating 227
host ID, obtaining 248
host port channels 108
viewing 108
HTTP 54, 55, 115, 174
configuring 115
logging in 54
web session limits 55, 174
HTTPS 53, 55, 116, 117, 118, 119, 174
certificate request 117
configuring 119
creating key ring 116
importing certificate 119
logging in 53
trusted point 118
web session limits 55, 174
hybrid display 53
I/O module 617
management 617
I/O modules 203, 216, 217, 617, 654
activating firmware 217
monitoring 654
POST results 617
resetting 617
updating firmware 216
verifying status 203
IEEE 802.1Qbh 41
IEEE 802.3x link-level flow control 11
images 183, 184, 185, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210
bundle 184
contents 185, 209
deleting 210
downloading 206, 207
headers 185
obtaining 204
packages, deleting with 209
implicit assignment 430
import operations 626, 629, 630
creating 626
deleting 630
modifying 630
running 629
importing 621, 626, 630
about 621
creating operations 626
deleting operation 630
modifying operations 630
restore methods 621
user role 621
informs 122
about 122
inheritance, servers 26, 420
inherited values 14, 488
initial setup 65, 66, 67, 69, 71
about 65
cluster configuration 69, 71
management port IP address 66
setup mode 66
standalone configuration 67
initial templates 15, 488
initiators 348, 349, 352, 353
WWNN 348, 349
WWPN 352, 353
Intel Directed I/O, BIOS settings 390
interface cards, See adapters
Internal Fabric Manager 52, 111, 112
about 52, 111
configuring ports 111
disabling ports 112
enabling ports 112
launching 111
unconfiguring ports 112
IOM 203, 216, 217, 617, 654
activating firmware 217
monitoring 654
POST results 617
updating firmware 216
verifying status 203
IP 379
pools 379
IP addresses 33, 66, 373, 377
CIMC 373
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
IN-8 OL-25712-04