
The length of time the fabric interconnect should wait before sending
any data collected for the counter to Cisco UCS Manager. This can be
one of the following:
2 Minutes
15 Minutes
30 Minutes
60 Minutes
2 Hours
4 Hours
8 Hours
When this time has elapsed, the fabric interconnect groups all data
collected since the last time it sent information to Cisco UCS Manager,
and it extracts four pieces of information from that group and sends
them to Cisco UCS Manager:
The most recent statistic collected
The average of this group of statistics
The maximum value within this group
The minimum value within this group
For example, if the collection interval is set to 1 minute and the reporting
interval is 15 minutes, the fabric interconnect collects 15 samples in
that 15 minute reporting interval. Instead of sending 15 statistics to
Cisco UCS Manager, it sends onlythe most recent recording along with
the average, minimum, and maximum values for the entire group.
Reporting Interval field
States Section
This field shows the task that is executing on behalf of this component.
For details, see the associated FSM tab.
If there is no current task, this field is not
Current Task field
Step 5
Click OK.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 665
Configuring Statistics Collection Policies