
stateless computing 38, 39
about 38
opt-in 39
opt-out 39
statelessness 38
statistics 30, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672
threshold policies 30, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672
Ethernet server port 671
Fibre Channel port 672
server and server component 666, 668, 669
uplink Ethernet port 670
statistics collection policies 30, 663, 664
about 30, 663
modifying 664
status 202, 203, 204
adapters 204
fabric interconnects 202
I/O modules 203
servers 203
status bar 50
stopping servers 588, 602
storage VSANs 337, 339
creating 337
deleting 339
storage VSANS 340
subnets, changing 75
subordinate fabric interconnect 71
initial setup 71
suborganization 158
supported tasks 44
switching mode 73, 74, 264
Ethernet 73
Fibre Channel 74
syslog 704
system classes 37, 297, 298, 300
best effort 37, 298
bronze 37, 298
configuring 298
disabling 300
enabling 300
Fibre Channel 37, 298
gold 37, 298
platinum 37, 298
silver 37, 298
system configuration 619
system event log 695
about 695
system inventory messages 684, 693
configuring 684
sending 684
system management 577, 585, 599, 617
blade servers 585
chassis 577
system management (continued)
I/O module 617
rack-mount servers 599
tables 51
customizing 51
customizing tables 51
filtering 51
TACACS provider 144, 146
configuring properties 144
deleting 146
provider groups 149
creating 149
deleting 149
TACACS+ provider 131, 132, 145, 149
about 131
creating 145
groups 149
creating 149
deleting 149
user attribute 132
tasks 44, 46
supported 44
unsupported 46
Telnet, enabling 129
template based service profiles 541, 542
templates 15, 488, 541, 543
creating from service profile 543
creating service profiles 541
service profiles 15, 488
TFTP Core Exporter 703, 704
threshold policies 30, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672
about 30, 666
Ethernet server port 671
adding threshold class 671
Fibre Channel port 672
adding threshold class 672
server and server component 666, 668, 669
adding threshold class 668
creating 666
deleting 669
uplink Ethernet port 670
adding threshold class 670
time zones 575
about 575
setting 575
toolbar 50
traffic management 33, 34, 37, 297
oversubscription 33, 34
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
IN-20 OL-25712-04