
network (continued)
named VSANs 96, 97, 333, 335, 337, 339
deleting 339
disabling default zoning 97
enabling default zoning 96
private VLANs 278
network control policy 23, 317, 318, 320
creating 318
deleting 320
networks, disjoint L2 321
NIC adapters 41
virtualization 41
NMI 597, 610
blade servers 597
rack-mount servers 610
noAuthNoPriv 122
NTP servers 575, 576
about 575
adding 576
deleting 576
obtaining 204, 233
capability catalog updates 233
firmware image bundles 204
occurrences 470, 477, 479, 481
one time 470, 477, 481
about 470
creating 477
deleting 481
recurring 470, 479, 481
about 470
creating 479
deleting 481
one time occurrences 470, 477, 481
about 470
creating 477
deleting 481
operating system installation 611
KVM console 611
operations 622, 625, 626, 630
backup 622, 625, 626
import 626, 630
operations, confirming 58
opt-in 38, 39, 40
about 38
multi-tenancy 40
stateless computing 39
opt-out 38, 39, 40
multi-tenancy 40
stateless computing 39
organizations 39, 155, 156, 157, 158, 166, 169, 170, 171
about 155
adding to locales 170
creating 157, 158
creating locales 169
deleting 158
deleting fromthe locales 170
deleting locales 171
locales 166
multi-tenancy 39
name resolution 156
OS installation 611
KVM console 611
outage impacts 196
Cisco UCS Manager 196
fabric interconnects 196
firmware upgrade 196
overriding 489
server identity 489
overriding server identity 13, 487, 490
oversubscription 33, 34
about 33
considerations 33
guidelines 34
overview 9
packages 204, 206, 207, 226, 227, 228, 229
adding to service profiles 229
downloading 206, 207
host firmware 226, 227
management firmware 228
obtaining 204
packs 21, 22, 197, 198, 222, 223, 228
host firmware 21, 197, 222
management firmware 22, 198, 223, 228
pane 48, 50
Navigation 48
Work 50
password profile 177, 179, 180
about 177
change interval 179
clearing password history 177
no change interval 179
password history count 180
passwords 174, 178
change interval 178
history count 178
strength check 174
passwords, guidelines 162
passwords, recovering admin 633, 634, 636
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
IN-12 OL-25712-04