
Step 5
Click Next.
What to Do Next
Complete Page 8: Adding Operational Policies, on page 539.
Page 8: Adding Operational Policies
This procedure directly follows Page 7: Specifying the Server Assignment Options, on page 537. It describes
how to add operational policies to the service profile template on the Operational Policies page of the Create
Service Profile Template wizard. These policies are optional.
Step 1
To override the default BIOS settings and configure them through the service profile, click the down arrows
to expand the BIOS Configuration bar and do one of the following:
• To add an existing policy, choose the desired BIOS policy from the BIOS Policy drop-down list .
• To create a BIOS policy that is available to all service profiles, click Create BIOS Policy, complete the
fields in the dialog box, and then choose the desired BIOS policy from the BIOS Policy drop-down list
For more information about how to create a BIOS policy, see Creating a BIOS Policy, on page 403.
Step 2
To provide external access to the CIMC on the server, click the down arrows to expand the External IPMI
Management Configuration bar and add an IPMI profile and a serial over LAN policy.
If you do not want to provide external access, continue with Step 4.
Step 3
To add an IPMI profile to service profiles created from this template, do one of the following:
To add an existing policy, choose the desired IPMI profile from the IPMI Access Profile drop-down
If the IPMI Access Profile drop-down list does not include an IPMI profile with the desired user access,
click the Create Access IPMI Profile link to create an IPMI profile that is available to all service profiles
and then choose that profile from the IPMI Access Profile drop-down list.
For more information about how to create an IPMI profile, see Creating an IPMI Access Profile, on page 405.
Step 4
To add a Serial over LAN policy to service profiles created from this template, do one of the following:
• To add an existing policy, choose the desired Serial over LAN policy from the SoL Configuration
Profile drop-down list.
• To create a Serial over LAN policy that is only available to service profile created from this template,
choose Create a Specific SoL Policy from the SoL Configuration Profile drop-down list and complete
the Admin State field and the Speed drop-down list.
• To create a Serial over LAN policy that is available to all service profile templates, click the Create
Serial over LAN Policy link, complete the fields in the dialog box, and then choose that policy from
the SoL Configuration Profile drop-down list.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 539
Working with Service Profile Templates