Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration 107
Flow Control
• None — Hardware Flow Control Off
• RTS/CTS — Hardware Flow Control On
Channel Privilege
Level Limit
• Administrator
Table 5-9. iDRAC6 Serial Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables or disables the iDRAC6 serial console. Checked=
Enabled; Unchecked=Disabled
Timeout The maximum number of seconds of line idle time before the
line is disconnected. The range is 60 to 1920 seconds. Default
is 300 seconds. Use 0 seconds to disable the Timeout feature.
Redirect Enabled Enables or disables Virtual Console. Checked=Enabled;
Baud Rate The data speed on the external serial port. Values are 9600
bps, 19.2 kbps, 57.6 kbps, and 115.2 kbps. Default is
57.6 kbps.
Escape Key Specifies the <Esc> key. The default are the ^\ characters.
History Buffer Size The size of the serial history buffer, which holds the last
characters written to the Virtual Console. The maximum and
default = 8192 characters.
Login Command The iDRAC6 command line to be executed upon valid login.
Table 5-10. Serial Page Settings
Button Description
Print Print the Serial page.
Refresh Refresh the Serial page.
Apply Changes Apply the IPMI and iDRAC6 serial changes.
Terminal Mode Settings Opens the Terminal Mode Settings page.
Table 5-8. IPMI Serial Settings
Setting Description