Configuring vFlash SD Card and Managing vFlash Partitions 285
Options only valid with the create action:
Options only valid with the status action:
-o <label> Label that is shown when the partition is mounted on the
operating system.
<label> must be a string up to six alphanumeric characters
and must not contain spaces.
-e <type> Emulation type for the partition. <type> must be floppy,
cddvd, or HDD.
-t <type> Create a partition of type <type>. <type> must be:
• empty - Create an empty partition.
• -s <size> - Partition size in MB.
-f <type>- Format type for the partition based on the
type of file system. Valid options are RAW, FAT16,
EXT2, or EXT3.
• image - Create a partition using an image relative to the
iDRAC. The following options are valid with the image type:
• -l <path> - Specifies the remote path relative to the
iDRAC. The path can be on a mounted drive:
SMB path: //<ip or domain>/<share_name>
NFS path: <ipaddress>:/<path_to_image>
• -u <user> - Username for accessing the remote image.
• -p <password> - Password for accessing the remote
-a Displays the status of operations on all existing partitions.