Using the WS-MAN Interface 225
Using the WS-MAN Interface
Web Services for Management (WS–MAN) is a Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP)–based protocol used for systems management. WS–MAN
provides an interoperable protocol for devices to share and exchange data
across networks. iDRAC6 uses WS–MAN to convey Distributed
Management Task Force (DMTF) Common Information Model
(CIM)–based management information; the CIM information defines the
semantics and information types that can be manipulated in a managed
system. The Dell–embedded server platform management interfaces are
organized into profiles, where each profile defines the specific interfaces for a
particular management domain or area of functionality. Additionally, Dell
has defined a number of model and profile extensions that provide interfaces
for additional capabilities.
The data available through WS-MAN is provided by the iDRAC6
instrumentation interface mapped to the following DMTF profiles and Dell
extension profiles:
Supported CIM Profiles
Table 10-1. Standard DMTF
Standard DMTF
Base Server
Defines CIM classes for representing the host server.
Service Processor:
Contains the definition of CIM classes for representing the iDRAC6.
NOTE: The Base Server profile (above) and the Service Processor profile are
autonomous in a sense that the objects they describe aggregate all the other CIM
objects defined in component profiles.