222 Using GUI Virtual Console
How can I get the current
status of the local server
The status is displayed on the Virtual Console
Configuration page of the iDRAC6 Web interface.
The RACADM CLI command racadm getconfig
–g cfgRacTuning displays the status in the object
I cannot see the bottom of
the system screen from the
Virtual Console window.
Ensure that the management station’s monitor
resolution is set to 1280x1024. Try using the scroll bars
on the iDRAC6 Virtual Console client, as well.
The console window is
The console viewer on Linux requires a UTF-8
character set. Check your locale and reset the character
set if needed.
Why doesn’t the mouse
sync under the Linux text
console (either in Dell
Unified Server Configurator
(USC), Dell Lifecycle
Controller or in Dell Unified
Server Configurator
Lifecycle Controller
Enabled (USC-LCE)?
Virtual Console requires the USB mouse driver, but
the USB mouse driver is available only under the
X-Window operating system.
I am still having issues with
mouse synchronization.
Ensure that the correct mouse is selected for your
operating system before starting a Virtual
Console session.
Ensure that the Single Cursor option under Tools
in the iDRAC6 Virtual Console menu is selected on
the iDRAC6 Virtual Console client. The default is two
cursor mode.
Table 9-9. Using Virtual Console: Frequently Asked Questions
Question Answer