Adding and Configuring iDRAC6 Users 133
Configure iDRAC Enables the user to configure the iDRAC.
Configure Users Enables the user to allow specific users to access
the system.
CAUTION: This privilege is normally reserved for users
who are members of the Administrator role on iDRAC.
However, users in the ‘Operator’ role can be assigned this
privilege. A user with this privilege can modify any user’s
configuration. This includes creation or deletion of any
user, SSH Key management for users, and so on. For these
reasons, assign this privilege carefully.
Clear Logs Enables the user to clear the iDRAC logs.
Execute Server Control
Enables the user to execute Server Control commands.
Access Virtual Console Enables the user to run Virtual Console.
Access Virtual Media Enables the user to run and use Virtual Media.
Test Alerts Enables the user to send test alerts (e-mail and PET) to a
specific user.
Execute Diagnostic
Enables the user to run diagnostic commands.
Table 6-6. iDRAC Group Permissions
User Group Permissions Granted
Administrator Login to iDRAC, Configure iDRAC, Configure Users, Clear
Logs, Execute Server Control Commands, Access Virtual
Console, Access Virtual Media, Test Alerts, Execute Diagnostic
Operator Selects any combination of the following permissions: Login to
iDRAC, Configure iDRAC, Configure Users, Clear Logs, Execute
Server Action Commands, Access Virtual Console, Access Virtual
Media, Test Alerts, Execute Diagnostic Commands
Read Only Login to iDRAC
None No assigned permissions
Table 6-5. iDRAC User Privileges
Property Description