
350 Configuring Security Features
viewed or changed by others. To ensure security for your DRAC, it is strongly
recommended that you generate a CSR, submit the CSR to a CA, and upload
the certificate returned from the CA.
A CA is a business entity that is recognized in the IT industry for meeting
high standards of reliable screening, identification, and other important
security criteria. Examples of CAs include Thawte and VeriSign. After the
CA receives your CSR, they review and verify the information the CSR
contains. If the applicant meets the CA’s security standards, the CA issues a
certificate to the applicant that uniquely identifies that applicant for
transactions over networks and on the Internet.
After the CA approves the CSR and sends you a certificate, you must upload
the certificate to the iDRAC6 firmware. The CSR information stored on the
iDRAC6 firmware must match the information contained in the certificate.
Accessing the SSL Main Menu
Expand the
tree and click
Remote Access
Click the
tab and then click
Use the SSL Main Menu (see Table 22-1) to generate a CSR, upload an
existing server certificate, or view an existing server certificate. The CSR
information is stored on the iDRAC6 firmware. Table 22-2 describes the
buttons available on the SSL page.
Table 22-1. SSL Main Menu
Field Description
Generate Certificate
Signing Request (CSR)
Click Next to open the page that enables you to
generate a CSR to send to a CA to request a secure
Web certificate.
Upload Server
Click Next to upload an existing certificate that your
company has title to, and uses to control access to
the iDRAC6.
NOTE: Only X509, Base 64 encoded certificates are
accepted by the iDRAC6. DER encoded certificates are not
accepted. Upload a new certificate to replace the default
certificate you received with your iDRAC6.
View Server Certificate Click Next to view an existing server certificate.