Configuring the iDRAC6 Using the Web Interface 71
User Domain Name This value holds up to 40 User Domain entries.
If configured, the list of user domain names will appear in
the login page as a pull-down menu for the login user to
choose from. If not configured, Active Directory users are
still able to log in by entering the user name in the format of
user_name@domain_name, domain_name/user_name,
or domain_name\user_name.
Timeout Specifies the time in seconds to wait for Active Directory
queries to complete. The default is 120 seconds.
Domain Controller
Server Address 1-3
(FQDN or IP)
Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the
domain controller or the IP address. At least one of the 3
addresses is required to be configured. iDRAC6 attempts to
connect to each of the configured addresses one-by-one
until it makes a successful connection. If extended schema
is selected, these are the addresses of the domain controllers
where the iDRAC6 device object and the Association
objects are located. If standard schema is selected, these are
the addresses of the domain controllers where the user
accounts and the role groups are located.
Certificate Validation
iDRAC6 uses Security Socket Layer (SSL) while connecting
to Active Directory. By default, iDRAC6 uses the CA
certificate loaded in iDRAC6 to validate the Security Socket
Layer (SSL) server certificate of the domain controllers
during Security Socket Layer (SSL) handshake and provides
strong security. The certificate validation can be disabled for
testing purpose or the system Administrator chooses to trust
the domain controllers in the security boundary without
validating their Security Socket Layer (SSL) certificates.
This option specifies whether Certificate validation is
enabled or disabled.
Table 4-18. Active Directory Configuration and Management Page Options
Attribute Description