Configuring the iDRAC6 Using the Web Interface 75
HTTP Port Number The port on which the iDRAC6 listens for a browser
connection. The default is 80.
HTTPS Port Number The port on which the iDRAC6 listens for a secure browser
connection. The default is 443.
Table 4-22. SSH Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables or disable SSH. When checked, SSH is enabled.
Max Sessions Maximum number of simultaneous SSH sessions allowed
for this system. You cannot edit this field.
NOTE: iDRAC6 supports up to 2 SSH sessions simultaneously.
Active Sessions Number of current SSH sessions on the system, less than or
equal to the setting for Max Sessions. You cannot edit this
Timeout The secure shell idle timeout, in seconds. The Timeout
range is 60 to 10800 seconds. Enter 0 seconds to disable the
Timeout feature. The default is 1800.
Port Number The port on which the iDRAC6 listens for an
SSH connection. The default is 22.
Table 4-23. Telnet Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables or disables Telnet. When checked, Telnet is
Max Sessions Maximum number of simultaneous Telnet sessions allowed
for this system. You cannot edit this field.
NOTE: iDRAC6 supports up to 2 Telnet sessions
Active Sessions Number of current Telnet sessions on the system, less than
or equal to the setting for Max Sessions. You cannot edit
this field.
Table 4-21. Web Server Settings
Setting Description