Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration 115
Table 5-15. RACADM Subcommands
Command Description
help Lists iDRAC6 subcommands.
Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand.
arp Displays the contents of the ARP table. ARP table entries may
not be added or deleted.
clearasrscreen Clears the last ASR (crash) screen (last blue screen).
clrraclog Clears the iDRAC6 log. A single entry is made to indicate the
user and time that the log was cleared.
config Configures the iDRAC6.
getconfig Displays the current iDRAC6 configuration properties.
coredump Displays the last iDRAC6 coredump.
coredumpdelete Deletes the coredump stored in the iDRAC6.
fwupdate Executes or displays status on iDRAC6 firmware updates.
getssninfo Displays information about active sessions.
getsysinfo Displays general iDRAC6 and system information.
getractime Displays the iDRAC6 time.
ifconfig Displays the current iDRAC6 IP configuration.
netstat Displays the routing table and the current connections.
ping Verifies that the destination IP address is reachable from the
iDRAC6 with the current routing-table contents.
setniccfg Sets the IP configuration for the controller.
sshpkauth Enables you to upload up to 4 different SSH public keys, delete
existing keys, and view the keys already in iDRAC6.
getniccfg Displays the current IP configuration for the controller.
getsvctag Displays service tags.
racdump Dumps iDRAC6 status and state information for debug.
racreset Resets the iDRAC6.
racresetcfg Resets the iDRAC6 to the default configuration.
serveraction Performs power management operations on the managed system.