D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 147
auth-type {none | md5 | sha} Specifies the authentication type used to authenticate
{auth-pass-phrase communications with the remote SNMP engine.
string | auth-key hex-string} You can specify one of the following:
• none—No authentication is used.
• md5—Message-digest algorithm 5 is used.
• sha—Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) is used.
If the authentication type is md5 or sha, you can specify a
passphrase or a hexadecimal key.
• To specify a passphrase, use the auth-pass-phrase string
option. The string can be from 8 to 32 alphanumeric
characters long, with no spaces.
• To specify a key, use the auth-key hex-string option.
encrypt-type {none | des | Specifies the encryption type used for SNMP traffic. You can
3des |aes} specify for SNMP traffic. You can specify one of the following:
{encrypt-pass-phrase string |
encrypt-key hex-string} • none—No encryption is used. This is the default.
• des—Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption is used.
• 3des—Triple DES encryption is used.
• aes—Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption is
If the encryption type is des, 3des, or aes, you can specify a
passphrase or a hexadecimal key.
• To specify a passphrase, use the encrypt-pass-phrase
string option. The string can be from 8 to 32 alphanumeric
characters long, with no spaces.
• To specify a key, use the encrypt-key hex-string option.