D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 274
set rfdetect vendor-list
Adds an entry to the permitted vendor list. The permitted vendor list specifies the third-party
AP or client vendors that are allowed on the network. MSS does not list a device as a rogue or
interfering device if the device’s OUI is in the permitted vendor list.
Syntax: set rfdetect vendor-list {client | ap} mac-addr
client | ap Specifies whether the entry is for an AP brand or a client brand.
mac-addr | all Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) to remove.
Defaults: The permitted vendor list is empty by default and all vendors are allowed. However,
after you add an entry to the list, MSS allows only the devices whose OUIs are on the list.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: The permitted vendor list applies only to the switch on which the list is configured. Switches
do not share permitted vendor lists.
If you add a device that MSS has classified as a rogue to the permitted vendor list, but not to the
ignore list, MSS can still classify the device as a rogue. Adding an entry to the permitted vendor
list merely indicates that the device is from an allowed vendor. However, to cause MSS to stop
classifying the device as a rogue, you must add the device’s MAC address to the ignore list.
Examples: The following command adds an entry for clients whose MAC addresses start with
DWS-1008# set rfdetect vendor-list client aa:bb:cc:00:00:00
success: MAC aa:bb:cc:00:00:00 is now in client vendor-list.
The trailing 00:00:00 value is required.
show rfdetect attack-list
Displays information about the MAC addresses in the attack list.
Syntax: show rfdetect attack-list
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.