D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 27
set system location
Stores location information for the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set system location string
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
To view the system location string, type the show system command.
Examples: To store the location of the switch in the switch’s configuration, type the following
DWS-1008# set system location first-floor-bldg3
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear system
• set system contact
• set system name
• show system
Alphanumeric string up to 256 characters long, with no blank spaces.
set system name
Changes the name of the switch from the default system name and also provides content for
the CLI prompt, if you do not specify a prompt.
Syntax: set system name string
Defaults: By default, the system name and command prompt have the same value. The factory
default for both is DWS-mmmm-nnnnnn, where mmmm is the model number and nnnnnn is the
last 6 digits of the 12-digit system MAC address.
Access: Enabled.
Alphanumeric string up to 256 characters long, with no blank spaces.