D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 148
Defaults: No SNMPv3 users are configured by default. When you configure an SNMPv3 user,
the default access is read-only, and the default authentication and encryption types are both
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command creates USM user snmpmgr1, associated with the local
SNMP engine ID. This user can send traps to notification receivers.
DWS-1008# set snmp usm snmpmgr1 snmp-engine-id local
success: change accepted.
The following command creates USM user securesnmpmgr1, which uses SHA authentication
and 3DES encryption with passphrases. This user can send informs to the notification receiver
that has engine ID
DWS-1008# set snmp usm securesnmpmgr1 snmp-engine-id ip
auth-type sha auth-pass-phrase myauthpword encrypt-type 3des
encrypt-pass-phrase mycryptpword
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear snmp usm
• set ip snmp server
• set snmp community
• set snmp notify target
• set snmp notify profile
• set snmp protocol
• set snmp security
• show snmp usm
set summertime
Offsets the real-time clock of a switch by +1 hour and returns it to standard time for daylight
savings time or a similar summertime period that you set.
Syntax: set summertime summer-name [start week weekday month hour min
end week weekday month hour min]
summer-name Name of up to 32 alphanumeric characters that describes the summertime
offset. You can use a standard name or any name you like.
start Start of the time change period.
week Week of the month to start or end the time change. Valid values are first,
second, third, fourth, or last.