D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 394
Access: Enabled.
Usage: Before using this command, you must configure values for the WEP keys you plan to
use. Use the set service-profile wep key-index command.
Examples: The following command configures service profile sp2 to use WEP key 4 for encrypting
unicast traffic:
DWS-1008# set service-profile sp2 wep active-unicast-index 4
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• set service-profile wep active-multicast-index
• set service-profile wep key-index
• show service-profile
set service-profile wep key-index
Sets the value of one of four static Wired-Equivalent Privacy (WEP) keys for static WEP
Syntax: Syntax set service-profile name wep key-index num key value
key-index num
key value
Defaults: By default, no static WEP keys are defined.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: MSS automatically enables static WEP when you define a WEP key. MSS continues to
support dynamic WEP.
Service profile name.
WEP key index. You can enter a value from 1 through 4.
Hexadecimal value of the key. You can enter a 10-character ASCII string
representing a 5-byte hexadecimal number or a 26-character ASCII string
representing a 13-byte hexadecimal number. You can use numbers or
letters. ASCII characters in the following ranges are supported:
• 0 to 9
• A to F
• a to f