Set Top Edge, Bottom Edge, Left Edge, or Right Edge according
to the parts of the image that are overlapped.
The following shows how to set screen (1) as an example.
In the example above, you need to adjust the Left Edge because you
can see the overlapping areas on the left side of the image (1).
Select Left Edge, and then press the [
] button.
Select Blending, and then press the [
] button.
Select On, and then press the [
] button.
(4) Press the [Esc] button.
(5) In Blend Range, adjust the range to be shaded.
When a guide appears on the same position as the overlapping area, you
can set the blend range with the selected value.
(6) Press the [Esc] button.
After the settings are complete, set Guide Display and Pattern
Guide to Off to finish.
Correcting the brightness
Adjust the Brightness Level so that the lamp brightness is the same for
each projector.
Adjust so that all projectors are the same brightness as the darkest lamp.
You can adjust the brightness in five levels.
• Set Power Consumption to Normal.
s Settings - Power Consumption p.121
• You cannot adjust the Brightness Level during the portrait
• Even if you adjust the Brightness Level, the brightness of each lamp
may not match exactly.
Multi-Projection Function