4.4.4 Register
"Register" displays the Register Window.
■ Register
When the Register Window is opened, the selected target MCU register name and each register retention
value are displayed.
This function (command) can be used only when SOFTUNE WORKBENCH is in the debug session.
Selecting [Register] when the Register Window has been already opened activates the Window.
■ Changing register values
The values saved by the registers displayed in the Register Window can be changed directly by the
following procedures:
- Full change
1. Double-click a register name or display value.
- The register name or display value is reverse displayed.
2. Specify the values to set in turn using a hexadecimal number, starting from the highest-order digit
(leftmost digit).
-The register value is set automatically when the digit in the lowest-order bit (rightmost digit) is changed.
- Partial digital (bit field) change
1. Click the digit to be changed in the register value display.
- The cursor appears at the left of the clicked digit.
2. Set the new value as a 1-digit hexadecimal number.
- The cursor automatically moves to the right digit. If the changed digit is the lowest-order digit, the
register value is updated automatically.
3. When changing of the required number of digits is completed, click another register name or register
value display.
- If the Register Window is closed without clicking another register name or register value display, the
changed value is not set in the register.
- This operation is not necessary when the change to the lowest-order bit is completed.
- Selected register name change
1. Click the right mouse button in the Register Window to display the shortcut menu, then select [Edit].
The register edit dialog shown in Figure 4.4-3 opens.
2. Select a register name.
3. Input the value to set.
4. Click the [OK] button.