
refer to the manual accompanying SOFTUNE REALOS.
Storing Existing Projects in Workspace
1. Open workspace to store a project.
Open workspace to store a project.
2. Select [Project]-[Add Project]-[Project].
3. Select the project to be stored.
Select the project to be stored in the [Add Project] dialog.
4. Set project dependence.
When defining a project as a subproject in another project, place a checkmark in the [Dependence]
checkbox and select the project name from the list in the [Dependence] checkbox.
5. Click the [Open] button.
Setting Active Project
The active project is a project that undergoes [Make], [Build], [Compile/Assemble], [Start Debug] and
[Include Dependence] in the menu. [Make], [Build], [Compile/Assemble], and [Include Dependence]
affects the subprojects in the active project.
To set an active project, select [Project]-[Set Active Project]. When the submenu is displayed, select the
name of a project to be made active from the submenu.
Deleting Project Stored in Workspace
Select the project to be deleted in the Project window. Select [Delete Project] in the shortcut menu.
The specified project is deleted from workspace, but the project file itself is not deleted.
If the deleted project is used as the subproject in the project within workspace, the project dependence is
also deleted.
If SOFTUNE REALOS is not installed, REALOS is not displayed as the project type.
Table 2.4-1 List of Project Types
Project type Explanation
Absolute format (ABS) An ordinary program file is created.
Relative format (REL) A relative format file is created.
Library file A library file is created.
REALOS (ABS) A program that uses a real-time operating system is created.