CHAPTER 3 Windows
3.7 Source Window
The Source Window displays the source program at debugging.
■ Source Window
Figure 3.7-1 is an example of the Source Window.
■ Function
- Breakpoint setting/releasing
A breakpoint can be set or released by left-clicking '=>❍' of '❍' at the left edge of the Source Window.
- Instruction execution to specified line (address)
An instruction can be executed at the specified line (address) by left-clicking of '=>❍' of '❍' at the left
edge of the Source Window. Step execution (step/into) is also enabled by clicking the left mouse button
at the PC location.
Figure 3.7-1 Example of Source Window
■ Shortcut Menu
- Edit Opens the edit window.
- Inline Assembly Opens the Inline Assemble dialog box.
- Find Opens the Find dialog box Figure 3.7-2 .
- Jump Displays Jump Dialog Box.
- Go to Current Displays current PC location.
- Break See Section 4.6.4 Break Point.
- Watch Additionally sets watch point
- Stack See Section 4.6.7 Stack.
- Property Displays Window properties.
- Mixed Display Switches whether to display or not disassemble list.
- Close Closes Source Window.
The position of the
current instruction
pointer is displayed.
Line number
The breakpoint position
is displayed.