
CHAPTER 3 Windows
- Set
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [set].
- Individual Setting
A project is set (See Section 4.5.5 Setup Project).
- Return to Common Setting
All individual options in the specified folder are returned to common options.
- Delete
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Delete].
- The specified file is released from the project member. The file itself is not deleted.
- Property
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Property].
- File information is displayed. See Section 4.3.8 Property.
- Open List File
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Open List File].
Select the list file you want to open.
- If the list file you want to open is not created, no submenu item can be selected.
Shortcut menu (Click the right button of the mouse on an include file name and other
user's registration file.)
There are three menus below:
Open Opens the selected include file.
Delete A file is deleted from the project.
Property Displays include file information (properties).
- Open
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Open].
- When SOFTUNE WORKBENCH is in the debug session, the specified include file is displayed in the
Source Window.
- When SOFTUNE WORKBENCH is not in the debug session, the specified include file is displayed in
the Edit Window.
- Delete
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Delete].
- The specified file is released from the project member. The file itself is not deleted.
- Property
Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu, then select [Property].
- File information is displayed. See Section 4.3.8 Property.