
file name of the tool can be selected from this dialog box.
4. Set an option.
Macro description can be used in this field. For macro description, refer to Section 1.11 Macro
Descriptions Usable in Manager in SOFTUNE WORKBENCH User's Manual.
5. Write an executing directory.
This description may be omitted if control need not be moved to any specific executing directory.
Clicking the [Browse] button to the right of this field opens the file selection dialog box. A run-time
directory can be selected from this dialog box.
6. Set a check mark to the left of [Designate Additional Option when Executing] and [Use Output
Window] as required.
When a check mark is set to the left of [Designate Additional Option when Executing], SOFTUNE
WORKBENCH asks you to enter additional options when a tool is started. When a check mark is set to
the left of [Use Output Window], SOFTUNE WORKBENCH displays tool output (output to the
standard output device or standard error output device) in the Output Window.
7. Click the [Setup] button.
Tool deletion procedure
1. Select [Tool...] from the [Setup] Menu.
The tool setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.7-28 opens.
2. Select the tool title you want to delete from the tool list.
3. Click the [Delete] button.
Tool change procedure
1. Select [Tool...] from the [Setup] Menu.
The tool setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.7-28 opens.
2. Select the tool title you want to change from the tool list.
The values set in [Title], [Execute Filename], [Option], [Executing Directory], [Designate Additional
Option when Executing], and [Use Output Window] are displayed.
3. Change [Execute Filename], [Option], [Executing Directory], [Designate Additional Option when
Executing], and [Use Output Window].
When [Title] is changed, the set tool is registered as another tool.
4. Click the [Setup] button.
The dialog box asking you whether to change the tool opens.
5. Click the [Yes] button.
Example of tool setup
-When notepad is used
Title : note pad
Execute Filename : note pad.exe
Option : %f
Executing Directory : %x
Designate Additional Option when Executing: A check mark is not set.
Use Output Window : A check mark is not set.