CHAPTER 4 MENUS Add Member - Directory
A directory is specified to store its file and folder in the project.
■ Add Member - Directory
Figure 4.5-4 Add Member Dialog-Directory
- Directory
Specifies the directory having the file to be stored.
- Sub-directory also targeted
When turned on, the file in the subdirectory in the specified directory is stored. A subdirectory is
hierarchically created as a folder in the project.
- File type
Only the file having a specified extension is stored in the project.
- Mem. Type
The file is stored as the type of the specified member in the project. If "Auto" is selected, the type of
member is determined by the extension.
- Insertion Folder
Specify the project in which a file is stored and the folder into which the file is inserted. The character
string enclosed between "and" is the project name.
■ Procedure for Addition
For the procedure for addition of a member, see Section 2.5 Creating and Registering Source File in