
CHAPTER 4 MENUS Add Member - Directory
A directory is specified to store its file and folder in the project.
Add Member - Directory
Figure 4.5-4 Add Member Dialog-Directory
- Directory
Specifies the directory having the file to be stored.
- Sub-directory also targeted
When turned on, the file in the subdirectory in the specified directory is stored. A subdirectory is
hierarchically created as a folder in the project.
- File type
Only the file having a specified extension is stored in the project.
- Mem. Type
The file is stored as the type of the specified member in the project. If "Auto" is selected, the type of
member is determined by the extension.
- Insertion Folder
Specify the project in which a file is stored and the folder into which the file is inserted. The character
string enclosed between "and" is the project name.
Procedure for Addition
For the procedure for addition of a member, see Section 2.5 Creating and Registering Source File in