■ Setup Target
The items to be set in the combo box and tree view at the left side of the dialog are specified.
- Target of setting combo box: All the configuration names of projects in workspace are displayed.
Configuration name: The selected configuration is set.
[All Configuration]: All configurations are set.
[Multiple Configuration]: The Multiple Configuration dialog (Figure 4.5-7 ) is opened. The two or
more configurations specified in the dialog are set.
-Target of setting Tree View: All projects having the configuration names specified in the combo box are
displayed. The items that can be set vary depending on the selected items. When two or more items are
selected, they can be changed at a time. If the items of different types are selected, only overlapped items
can be set.
Project: The [General] items, [MCU] items, common options ([C Compiler], [Assembler], [Linker],
[Librarian]), and [Debug] items can be set.
C source file: The [General] items and individual options ([C Compiler]) can be set.
Assembler source file: The [General] items and individual options ([Assembler]) can be set.
Library file: The [General] items can be set.
Object file: The [General] items can be set.
Relative file: The [General] items can be set.
Folder: All files in the folder are set.
Figure 4.5-7 Multiple Configuration Dialog