
2.7 Creation of Project Configuration
This section explains how to create a project configuration.
Creation of Project Configuration
The project configuration is a series of settings for specifying the characteristics of the target file. By
creating a new project configuration, two or more tool settings can be stored in the project.
When a new project is created, the project configuration is created under a default name of "Debug".
In SOFTUNE WORKBENCH, the project configuration is created as follow.
- Creating project configuration on settings of existing project configuration
A new project configuration is created on the settings of the selected existing project configuration. In the
new project configuration, the same files as those in the original project configuration are always used.
Creating Project Configuration on Settings of Existing Project Configuration
1. Select [Project]-[Project Configuration]-[Add and Delete].
2. Select the project to which a project configuration is added.
When the [Add and Delete Project] dialog is opened, select the project to which a project configuration
is added.
3. Click the [Add] button.
Click the [Add] button. The [Add Project Configuration] dialog is opened.
4. Enter the project configuration name.
Enter the unique name of a new project configuration. The characters that can be used to form a name
are "a to z", "A to Z", "0 to 9" and "_".
5. Select the project configuration to which settings are copied.
Select the initial settings of a project configuration to be added. The selected settings of the project
configuration (such as tool options, file configurations, and configurations of subprojects to be build)
are copied as they are.
6. Click the [OK] button.
Click the [OK] button in the [Add Project Configuration] dialog and the [OK] button in the [Add and
Delete Project Configuration] dialog.
Setting Active Project Configuration
The active project configuration is at default a project configuration that undergoes [Make], [Build],
[Compile/Assemble], [Start Debug], and [Include Dependence].
1. Select [Project]-[Project Configuration]-[Add and Delete].
2. Select the project configuration that is made active.
When the [Add and Delete Project] dialog is opened, select the name of the project configuration that is
made active.
3. Click the [Active] button.
Click the [Active] button. The specified configuration and its project become active.
4. Click the [OK] button.