■ Changing the include path retrieval order
Include paths are retrieved in turn from top of [Include Path List]. The order in which include paths are
registered in the list can be changed in the following procedure:
1. Select the [Include Path] category.
The include path setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.5-23 opens.
2. Select the include path whose order is to be changed from [Include Path List].
3. Click the [Up] or [Down] button to move the cursor to a relevant position.
■ Setting list output
Figure 4.5-24 List Output Setup Dialog Box
1. Select the [Output List] category.
The list output setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.5-24 opens.
2. To output a list file, set a check mark to the left of [Creates a list file].
When the list file is not output, no other item need to be set. Execute Step (3) and after only when
outputting the list file.
3. Select the list file(s) you want to output. Items with check marks are selected.
- Outputs information list
- Outputs source list
- Outputs section list
- Outputs cross-reference list
- Outputs include list