190-00356-00 Rev E
DME Arc Approach
6. Follow the arc, keeping the CDI needle cen-
tered. When using an autopilot, the course
select on the CDI (or HSI) must be periodically
updated with the desired track (DTK) to ensure
proper tracking through the arc. Whenever the
course select setting and desired track differ
by more than 10°, a “Set course to ###°”
message will appear on the message page.
7. The next point in the approach is an interme-
diate fix, labeled “DMARY/D025G”. As you
approach this intermediate fix, a waypoint alert
(“RT TO 205° x S”) will appear in the lower
right corner of the screen. As the distance to
this fix approaches zero, the alert is replaced
by a turn advisory (“RT TO 205° NOW”). Dial
this course into the CDI (or HSI) using the OBS
knob and initiate a standard rate turn to this
course heading.
8. When within 45° of the final approach
course and the FAF is the TO waypoint, the
will switch from terminal
mode to approach mode. CDI scaling is tight-
ened from 1.0 NM full scale deflection to either
0.3 NM or 2° full scale deflection whichever is
less at the FAF. The change occurs over 2 NM
and is completed by the FAF.
9. As you approach the FAF, “RT TO 214° x S” will
appear in the lower right corner of the screen.
Select this course on the CDI (or HSI) using the
OBS knob and turn to the final course segment
(FAF to MAP) heading.
NOTE: Since this is not a GPS approach, the pilot
should be using the VLOC receiver, tuned to the
correct VOR (TOP) for navigation.