1 - COM
190-00356-00 Rev E
420W / 430W Only
Auto-Tuning from Nearest Airport Page
Cursor in VLOC window allows for VOR and
ILS operations. See Section 8.
The 400W-series auto-tune feature allows you
to quickly select any database frequency in the GPS
window as your standby frequency. Any COM fre-
quency displayed in the GPS window can be trans-
ferred to the standby COM frequency field, with a
minimum of keystrokes required. The following are
some examples of selecting COM frequencies from
some of the main GPS pages.
To select a COM frequency for a nearby airport:
1. Select the nearest airport page from the NRST
page group. Press and hold the CLR key, then
turn the large right knob until the nearest
pages appears. Finally, if necessary, turn the
small right knob to display the nearest airport
2. Press the small right knob momentarily to
place the cursor on the airport identifier field
of the first airport in the list. Turn the large
right knob to highlight the desired airport
3. Press ENT to place the frequency in the standby
field of the COM window.
Nearest airport page with the Tower
frequency (TWR) for the closest airport
4. Press the Com flip/flop key to swap the
standby and active frequencies.
From the nearest airport page, select the
desired airport to show a more detailed list-
ing of frequencies for that airport.
5. Before leaving the frequency page, use the
large right knob to highlight “Done?” and
press ENT. “Done?” always needs to be
acknowledged before leaving a page group.