190-00356-00 Rev E
Flight Planning
6. The flashing cursor moves to the aircraft head-
ing (HDG) field. Use the small and large right
knobs to enter the aircraft heading from the
directional gyro or compass. Press ENT when
7. With all variables entered, the following infor-
mation will be provided:
or tail wind component
NOTE: If your installation includes components
(such as an airdata sensor) to provide any of the
variables above, the density alt/tas/winds page
data will default to the values provided by these
Crossfill Operation
The Crossfill Function allows the pilot to transfer a
direct-to destination, the active flight plan includ-
user waypoint, or all user waypoints between two
400W-Series (or 500W-Series) Garmin units in a
dual-unit installation. There is only one Crossfill
function page. It may be accessed pressing the
MENU key and selecting Crossfill while viewing
the default Nav page, Flight Plan Catalog, Active
Flight Plan, User Waypoint page, or the Aux mode
Flight Planning page and then pressing ENT.
NOTE: The databases of the 400/500 series and
the 400W/500W are incompatible, so you may
not mix systems.
To select Crossfill
Flight Plan Catalog page, Active Flight Plan page,
or the User Waypoint page by pressing MENU,
scrolling down to “Crossfill” with the large right
knob and then pressing ENT. On the Aux Flight
Planning page scroll down to “Crossfill” with the
large right knob, and then press ENT.
• Automatic Operation: If both units are set
to automatic, a change in the active flight plan
seen in the other. Initiating a direct-to to a
waypoint on one unit will also initiate a direct-
to to the same waypoint on the other unit.
If one unit is set for automatic crossfill and the
other is set for manual crossfill, then only the
auto unit will automatically send data to the
manual unit. In this configuration, the auto
unit could be thought of as the master unit.
• Manual Operation: If manual operation is
desired, the pilot must invoke all transfers
from that unit. When a unit is configured
for automatic transfer, a manual transfer can
also be done on command. If either of the
messages “data transfer error” or “data transfer
cancelled” are received during an automatic or
manual transfer, the pilot must force another