190-00356-00 Rev E
NavCom Page
From the default NAV page, simply turn the small
right knob to display the map page and again to dis-
play the NAVCOM page. The NAVCOM page displays
the available frequencies (communications and naviga-
tion) for the departure airport, any en route airports
that are included in your flight plan, and the final
destination airport. When using the direct-to function,
frequencies will be listed for the airport nearest to your
starting position and the destination airport.
A frequency listed on the NAVCOM page can be
quickly transferred to the standby field of the COM
having to “re-key” a frequency already displayed else-
where on the screen.
To display the frequency list for the active flight
plan or direct-to airport:
1. In the Nav function, turn the small right knob
to reach the NAVCOM page.
2. Push the small right knob to activate the
cursor on the airport identifier field (in the
GPS window). Turn the small right knob to
display the list of airports (departure, arrival
and en route) for your flight plan or direct-to.
Continue to turn the small right knob until
the desired airport is selected.
3. Press ENT to display the frequency list for the
selected airport.
Press ENT to show the frequencies for the
selected airport.
To select a communication or navigation fre-
1. On the NAVCOM page, push the small right
knob to activate the cursor in the GPS win-
2. Turn the large right knob to select the desired
frequency from the list.
Selecting a frequency on the NAVCOM page.
3. Press ENT to transfer the selected frequency to
the standby field in the COM or VLOC window.
COM frequencies will automatically go to the
standby field of the COM window and navigation
frequencies will automatically go to the standby
field of the VLOC window, regardless of which
window is currently highlighted by the cursor.
4. To activate the selected frequency, press the
COM flip-flop (or VLOC flip-flop) key.
Swap the standby COM frequency into the
active Com frequency location.