
190-00356-00 Rev E
Flight Planning
Flight Planning Page
The flight planning page provides access to E6B
functions for fuel planning, trip planning, density
altitude/true airspeed/winds aloft calculations and
a “Crossfill” function to transfer flight plans/user
waypoints to a second 400W-series unit. When a flight
planning item is selected, the corresponding page will
appear providing additional information and features.
To select, highlight
with cursor and
press ENT.
First Page
in AUX group
To select an item from the flight planning page:
1. Press the small right knob momentarily, to
activate the flashing cursor.
2. Turn the large right knob to select the desired
menu option, and press ENT.
The following flight planning items are available:
Fuel Planning— when equipped with fuel flow
(FF) and/or fuel on board (FOB) sensors, this item
displays current fuel conditions along the active
direct-to or flight plan. You may also manually
enter fuel flow, ground speed (GS) and (in some
instances) fuel on board figures for planning pur-
poses. Fuel planning figures can be displayed not
only for the currently active flight plan or direct-
to, but also point-to-point between two specified
waypoints and for any programmed flight plan.
Trip Planning— allows the pilot to view desired
route (ETE), en route safe altitude (ESA) and
estimated time of arrival (ETA) information for a
direct-to, point-to-point between two specified
waypoints or for any programmed flight plan.
NOTE: Point-to-point waypoints, flight plans
and/or ground speed (default is current GPS-
calculated ground speed) entered on the fuel
planning page will automatically transfer to the
trip planning page, and vice versa.