190-00356-00 Rev E
Active Flight Plan Options
3. A second window will appear listing available
runways for the transition. Turn the small
right knob to highlight the desired runway
and press ENT.
4. With “Load?” highlighted, press ENT.
Select Departure
Select Departure? allows you to select a pub-
departure airport, or replace the current departure
with a new selection. When using a direct-to, the
will use the nearest airport
as a reference
when displaying available departures. See Sec 5 - Pro-
cedures for information
on selecting departures using
the PROC key.
To select a departure for the departure airport:
1. Select the “Select Departure?” option from
the active flight plan page options and press
2. A window will appear listing the available
departures for your departure airport. Turn
the small right knob to select the desired
departure and press ENT.
3. A second window will appear listing available
transitions for the departure. Turn the small
right knob to highlight the desired transition
waypoint and press ENT.
4. With “Load?” highlighted, press ENT.
Remove Approach, Arrival, or Departure
Remove Approach? deletes the currently selected
approach from the active flight plan. Remove Arrival?
deletes the current Arrival (STAR) from the active
flight plan. Remove Departure? deletes the current
To remove an approach, arrival or departure from
the active flight plan:
1. Press MENU and turn the large right knob
to select the “Remove Approach?”, “Remove
Arrival?” or “Remove Departure?” option from
the active flight plan page options and press
2. A confirmation window will appear listing
the procedure you are about to remove. With
“Yes?” highlighted, press ENT.
Closest Point of FPL
Closest Point of FPL? calculates the bearing and
closest distance that a flight plan will pass from a refer-
ence waypoint. May also be used to create a new user
waypoint along the flight plan at the location closest to
the reference waypoint.