190-00356-00 Rev E
Map Page Options
Map Page Options
Many of the 400W-series functions are menu
driven. Each of the main pages has an options menu,
allowing you to custom tailor the corresponding page
to your preferences and/or select special features
which specifically relate to that page. A map page
options menu provides additional settings to customize
the map page and additional features related specifi-
cally to the map page.
To display the map page options menu, press
MENU (with the map page displayed).
The following options are available: “Setup Map?”,
“MeasureDist?”,“DataFields Off?”, “Change Fields?”
Map Setup
“Setup Map?” allows you to configure the map display
to your preferences, including map orientation, land data
enable/disable, Jeppesen data enable/disable, automatic
zoom, airspace boundaries, and text size. The following
table lists the group names and available settings:
Feature Description
Map Orientation, AutoZoom, Land Data, Avia-
tion Data
Weather* Lightning Mode/Symbol (when applicable)
Traffic* Traffic Mode/Symbol/Label (when appli-
Airport Large/Medium/Small Airports and Text
NAVAID VORs, NDBs, Intersections and Text
Waypoint User Waypoints, Flight Plan Wpts, and Text
Line Active Flight Plan/Direct-To, Lat/Long Grid
Control Controlled Airspace: Class B, C, D (tower
Feature Description
Airspace Special-Use Airspace: Restricted, MOA,
Other, (TFR, if GDL 69 equipped)
City Large/Medium/Small Cities and Text
Road Freeway, National Highway, Local Hwy,
Local Road
Other States/Prov, Rivers/Lakes, Railroads, Wind
when the 400W-series unit installation includes con-
nection to traffic and/or weather information sources.
Large, Medium and Small classifications are
used on the 400W-series for airports and
cities. Large airports are those with a runway
longer than 8100 feet. Medium airports
include those with a runway longer than
5000 feet or with a control tower. Large cit-
ies are those with approximate populations
greater than 200,000 and Medium cities are
greater than 50,000.