190-00356-00 Rev E
No altitude input is being received — No altitude data
is being received from RS-232 (Serializer: Icarus, Rosetta or
Shadin) or grey code inputs. If the problem persists, contact
your Garmin dealer and check the installation and installa-
tion settings.
No basemap data available — The 400W-series unit
has detected a failure in the built-in basemap (land data)
memory. Land data does not appear on the Map Page.
Other unit functions continue to work normally, however
the 400W-series unit should be taken to your Garmin
dealer for service at your earliest convenience.
Non-WGS84 wpt navigation — The active “to” and/or
“from” waypoints are based upon a map datum other than
WGS 84 and cannot be converted from that map datum
to WGS 84. Expect some error in the position of the
waypoint(s) and cross-check with an alternate means of
Not receiving input data on 429 Channel #1 or #2
— No data has been received on the ARINC 429 channel
#1 connection for a period exceeding five seconds. If the
problem persists, the installation should be checked by your
Garmin dealer.
Not receiving input data on 232 Channel #(1 through
5) — No data has been received on one (or more) of the
RS-232 channel connections for a period exceeding ten
seconds. If the problem persists, the installation should be
checked by your Garmin dealer.
Not receiving traffic data — No traffic data is being
If the problem persists, the installation should be
checked by your Garmin dealer.
OBS key stuck — The OBS key is stuck in the enabled
(or pressed) state. Try pressing the OBS key again to cycle
its operation. Check for proper operation of both the inter-
nal and remote keys (if present). If the message persists,
contact your Garmin dealer for assistance.
OBS not available — The OBS mode could not be
activated, because 1) no destination waypoint has been
selected, or 2) the GPS receiver cannot currently determine
its position.
Poor GPS coverage — The GPS receiver cannot acquire
a sufficient number of satellites to compute a position and
provide navigation.
RAIM position warning — Although sufficient GPS
satellite coverage may exist, Receiver Autonomous Integrity
Monitoring (RAIM) has determined the information from
one or more GPS satellites may be in error. The resulting
GPS position may be in error beyond the limits allowed
for your current phase of flight. Cross-check your position
with an alternate navigation source. If the warning occurs
during a final approach segment (FAF to MAP), execute the
published missed approach.
Scheduler message [1-9] — [user entered text] — The
user-entered scheduler message time has expired, and the
scheduler message is displayed.
Searching the sky — The 400W-series unit is searching the
sky for GPS satellites.
Select appropriate frequency for approach — You are
frequency does not match the published frequency for the
approach.TunethestandbyVLOC frequency to the proper
frequency and press the VLOC flip-flop key to “activate”
the frequency.
Select VLOC on CDI for approach — (GNS 430W only)
You are inbound and within 3 NM of the FAF; and the
and press the CDIkeytodisplay“VLOC”(directlyabove
the CDI key).
Set course to [###]° — The course select for the external
message only occurs when the current selected course differs
from the desired track by 10°, or greater.