190-00356-00 Rev E
Flight Plan Transfer Messages
Flight plan imported successfully — The Flight Plan
file contained Route Points (that is, it didn’t contain only
User Waypoints) and there were no errors when import-
ing them to the target position within the unit’s Flight Plan
Waypoint import successful - No stored FPL data
was modified — The Flight Plan file contained one or
more User Waypoints and there were no errors when adding
Flight plan import failed — The unit failed to load
any information from the Flight Plan file. (Neither the Flight
File contains waypoints only — The Flight Plan file
did not contain any Route Points but one or more User
Waypoints were imported successfully.
FPL import message(s): — The Flight Plan file con-
tained Route Points (it didn’t contain only Waypoints) and
there were some errors or warnings (see below). Some or all
information was imported successfully.
FPL too long, truncated (appended to the import
results text) — The Flight Plan file contained more Route
Points than a flight plan can support.
Invalid FPL wpt(s) locked (appended to the import
results text) — The Flight Plan file contained one or more
Waypoints that could not be found in the navigation data-
User waypoint database full - Not all waypoints
loaded (appended to the import results text) — One or
more of the User Waypoints in the Flight Plan file were not
full during the import operation).
User waypoint(s) renamed (appended to the import
results text) — One or more of the User Waypoints in the
Flight Plan file was renamed during the import operation.
Verify FPL before use (appended to the import
results text) — One or more of the User Waypoints or
Route Points to be imported were modified in some way
(one or more of messages [f] through [i] were displayed) and
changes should be verified before using the flight plan for